1. Login to Ansible Tower and Navigate to Inventories Section
2. Select the Inventory –> Host –> Run Command option in the right corner as shown in below screenshot.
3. Select the module and click Launch option. In below...
Playbook to install and start the httpd service
- hosts: ansiblenode2
become: yes
- name: install httpd
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: start and enable httpd
Ansible adhoc commands are useful to perform the tasks in a single time. Mostly adhoc commands are using to check the log information, service status and gather information of cpu, memory etc.,
We will see some frequent using modules with...
What is Ansible ?
Ansible is an open source software which we can use for configuration management, application deployment & software provisionig across multiples systems. its run on a unix operating system but can do the configuration...